Never feel limited by typing again. Speakeasy makes taking quick notes on ideas, responding to messages, and transcribing lectures and interviews easy and effortless.
State-of-the-art AI for the most accurate dictation on the market—so good you’ll never need to review or edit.
Dictate in any app directly with our keyboard - capture quick notes and to-dos, reply to messages, transcribe lectures and interviews.
Removes filler words, mistakes, and repeats. Writes what you mean, not what you say, even when speaking off the cuff.
Automatically adds the right punctuation so that your writing is grammatically correct. No need to say “Quotes”, “Period”, “Comma”.
Supports 30+ languages including Spanish, French, Russian, Japanese, and more. Outputs with regionalized spelling (e.g. UK English, Brazilian Portuguese).
Your audio and transcriptions are yours alone and always private.